Guitar Courses

4 and 12 week courses available (Includes one 30 minute private online class per week) and cost 100 or 275 Euro respectively

Guitar For Adults

We cater for absolute beginners all the way to advanced students. Starting Guitar as an adult can be a fairly daunting task but you are in safe hands with Ronan who has taught 100’s of adults how to play


Blues Guitar

Learn 12 and 8 bar blues. The most common blues chord progressions. How to improvise with different blues scales and the different dynamics used in playing the Blues

Guitar For Kids

Keeping kids focused and motivated to play an instrument is getting harder and harder these days due to so many distractions. In guitar for kids we keep them motivated by teaching them songs they can relate to and keeping lessons fun and enjoyable


Trad (Irish) Guitar

Learn reels, jigs, different rhythms and tunings including DADGAD and how to accompany other musicians

Guitar and Singing

The majority of people starting guitar just want to be able to pull out a guitar and sing a song, This course is specifically designed to reach that goal


Mix of Styles

This course gives an introduction to different genres played on the guitar including rock, blues, folk, classical, Irish, funk and reggae and how they all relate to each other Highly Recommended

Please note courses may vary as they are tailored to the students individual goals